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NET TIME - Windows CMD - The NET TIME command requires the `server' service to be running on the machine that is serving the time. Related: NET.exe - Manage network resources. W32TM - Configure the Windows Time Service. PRNCNFG - configure or rename a printer. PRNJOBS - Pause, resume, cancel, or list print jobs. Net send Windows 10. How to send message? Commands. NET SEND examples To send a message to another user: NET SEND anna_81 See you soon, bye. To send a lan message to another machine: NET SEND PCW231 Let's go have a dinner. To send a message to all users who have a session with the server: NET SEND /USERS Shutdown all computers, please. To send a broadcast message to the whole domain: NET SEND * This server will shut down in 5 minutes. net (command) - Wikipedia

Invoke Command Examples – CRTech

30 Top Command Examples for Monitoring in Linux

Netcat is a simple but useful tool used for TCP, UDP, Unix-domain sockets. Netcat can listen or connect specified sockets easily. Netcat is a platform-independent command supported by Linux, Unix, Windows, BSD, macOS, etc. Common use cases for netcat are;

The VB.Net solution to your problem is to use Command() VB.Net function when you search to display command's line of currently executed process.. Sub Main(args As String()) Dim sCmdLine As String = Environment.CommandLine() Console.WriteLine("CommandLine: " & sCmdLine) Dim iPos = sCmdLine.IndexOf("""", 2) Dim sCmdLineArgs = sCmdLine.Substring(iPos + 1).Trim() … Netcat (nc) Command with Examples | Linuxize